Adventures on Bart
I was going down the escalator, and some damn dumb lady was walking slowly along in the left hand side of the escalator, passing people standing on the right at like 1 mile an hour, just like those semi's do on I5 down to LA. About 1/3 of the way down I hear the BART announcement: "10 car Pittsburg Baypoint train now boarding platform one." Thats my train! The next one wont be showing up for another 20 mintues, so I say "excuse me", and she picks up her pace to about 2.5 miles an hour still staying in the left lane. At 2/3rds of the way down the escalator I have the opportunity to switch to the right and pass her and I run down the rest of the escalator and race for the closest open door. As I approach within 5 feet the "door-is-closing-ding" chimes and I burst through the doors. The rubber stop that separates the doors hits my right leg and leaves a black smudge, and my briefcase is actually wedged in between the doors. I yank on it pulling it through the doors and make it into the train as the overhead speaker sounds "The doors on this train are obstructed", as we slowly pull out of the station. Immediately I make my way through the door's on the end of the car to the adjacent car as people stare. Another work day is winding down. |
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