Saturday June 14th 2003, the scout troop, Gary Krutsch, Larry Phair, Scott Barentsen and myself headed out for a Saturday rock climbing excursion to City Beach. They were located in Fremont, and a gentleman in our congregation knew one of the owners. We left at 1pm and got back around 9 pm. We had an entire section of the Rock Climbing Gym (16,000 sq. ft. of climbing terrain) and the ropes course along with an instructor all to ourselves. We went through instruction on tying the double 8 and fisherman's climbing knots, how to belay and get into harness. Then we climbed for 90 minutes or so, and then were instructed in the ropes course and completing one event, on the pipes, before breaking for dinner. After dinner we did the v-section wires and then finished up with the cargo net. By the end of the night I was beat as were most of the boys, but we had a great time and they earned their climbing merit badge.
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